About 50% of users access StocksCafe via their mobile devices, and we have been making various improvements to the mobile user’s experience.
Today, I am happy to share that we have made another two improvements (ensure that you are on at least v3.4.4 to see these changes on mobile; the version number can be found on the menu, just below the logout button).
Dashboard on Mobile
Recently, we revamped the Dashboard on desktop and it was well-received by users. Hence, we decided to also implement Dashboard on mobile so that mobile users can also get a quick overview of their portfolio’s key performance metrics.

TradingView on Mobile
Another recently-added popular feature is the integration of TradingView into StocksCafe on Desktop. Hence, we also spent time integrating it onto Mobile so that mobile users will not feel left out.

We are still working to continue improving the mobile experience with the next scheduled upgrade to be the ability to choose display columns on Current Portfolio.
Do continue to share what are the capabilities you would love to see in Mobile.
Happy investing!
hi stockscafe, I’m having some issues updating the mobile app. I seem to be stuck on v1.2.6, unable to update via the Google play store. I’m using android S22 ultra. I find using the mobile app alot more convenient than the website thus i would much love to have it updated. Are there anyways to update the app?
Hi Benjamin,
Mobile App is now deprecated -> https://blog.stocks.cafe/1419/goodbye-mobile-app/
Please switch to using Mobile Web browser.