One Less Password with Facebook Login


StocksCafe has integrated Facebook login to allow for quicker login (bonus: you have one less password to remember)!

For existing users, please go this page and click on the continue with Facebook button to associate your existing StocksCafe account with your Facebook account. Once you have done that, you will be able to login either via Facebook or StocksCafe username/email.

For new users, you can simply signup/login with Facebook and a new StocksCafe account (with generated username based on Facebook profile) will be automatically created for you.

As not everyone will like the generated username, I have now also implemented the ability to change username yourself.

Happy investing!


  • I understand the perceived convenience of using a social media login, but good God man, this is a personal investing service and the last thing I want or need is for Facebook and their ilk to be surveying my every financial move.

    I really hope that you have not added Facebook tracking and frameworks to the site, or I am out of here. Please confirm.

  • @MapleBob Yep, there is overall too much inter-app activity and data swapping. I find it a constant nag that I could make a wrong click and suddenly private data becomes public.

    However, in this case it is not required to use Facebook, and I am sticking with the direct login. Guess I have to trust that there is no behind-the-scenes snooping going on in the browser trying to discover my Facebook or Google accounts…..

    If I do catch a whiff of that, then I will be with you.


  • @maplebob and @bobtravs: “I really hope that you have not added Facebook tracking and frameworks to the site, or I am out of here. Please confirm.” => I do not remember adding Facebook tracking except for the login pages. However, I am using Google Analytics in StocksCafe to better understand users, if that is such a concern, it is technically possible to give an options for people to opt out of them.

  • “StocksCafe has integrated Facebook login”?! Terrible idea.

    And just when more people are moving away from Facebook …

  • Facebook uses tracking in all the software it distributes, including developer frameworks for apps. They track you whether or not you have an account or whether you are logged in.

    I had an account on FB just to see how it works, but have deleted that and stay as far away from them as possible.

    If you want a more complete understanding, I recommend “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” by Shoshana Zuboff, and “Zucked” by Robert McNamee.

    I don’t know what led to you deciding to incorporate Facebook in the site – the ability to monetize some data for a little extra revenue? Whatever the thought process, it is the wrong direction for this site and it makes me extremely leery of participating any further. I would rather pay more for guaranteed security and privacy than have you feeding the surveillance machine.

    Please reconsider this move.

  • “I don’t know what led to you deciding to incorporate Facebook in the site – the ability to monetize some data for a little extra revenue? Whatever the thought process, it is the wrong direction for this site and it makes me extremely leery of participating any further. I would rather pay more for guaranteed security and privacy than have you feeding the surveillance machine.”

    Not true. I am not selling any data at all to Facebook (or rather I am not selling any user data in anyway).

    I have that because many people (10%) tried to sign up to StocksCafe via email but did not complete the email verification. Hence, using third party login mechanism will be easier for people to sign up. (Intend to add google sign in too if people want.)

    “Facebook uses tracking in all the software it distributes, including developer frameworks for apps. They track you whether or not you have an account or whether you are logged in.” => I scanned through all the code of StocksCafe. Only profile page ( and sharingsupport page ( have facebook contents. I have created a ticket for users to opt out from Facebook login and Google analytics (

Evan Koh



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