5 “Did you know” Tips for StocksCafe


We are currently running a survey and a mid-point check made us realized that some users did not know about some of the features that already exists in StocksCafe πŸ™‚

If you have yet to respond to the survey, do so by 15 Feb 2022 to stand a chance to win free subscriptions to StocksCafe!

1. Did you know that you can set dividend withholding taxes in StocksCafe?

Many of us invest in US exchanges and we are subject to 30% dividend taxation. Did you know that you can setup StocksCafe to automatically account for that? Simply follow this tutorial to set yours up.

2. Did you know you can effortlessly backup StocksCafe data?

On this page, simply choose which day and which transactions you would like to backup.

3. Did you know you can customize how to view your portfolio’s allocation?

You can easily see how your portfolio is allocated across different exchanges. You can also create customized views easily. Simply follow this tutorial.

4. Did you know that you can bookmark pages within StocksCafe?

Simply click on Star This Page found at the bottom of non-forum pages to bookmark the page. To access your starred pages, click on Starred on the top navigation bar – it’s that easy!

Note: The Starred tab only appears on the bar if you have at least one page starred.

5. Did you know that there are several ways to get StocksCafe for free?

  • Via Tiger collaboration – If you sign up with Tiger via StocksCafe, you immediately get 3 months free and could potentially have StocksCafe for free forever.
  • Via Saxo collaboration – If you sign up with Saxo via StocksCafe, you can get 5 years free.
  • Via StockCafe’s own referral program – If you refer someone to sign up with StocksCafe, you can get 20% of whatever they pay forever. This means that if you refer 5 people, StocksCafe will basically be free for you.

Once again, I would like to appeal to you to respond to our survey if you have yet to do so. It only takes a few minutes but will help StocksCafe more than you realize!

Do so by 15 Feb 2022 and you will also stand a chance to win StocksCafe subscriptions. Thank you for supporting StocksCafe and making it better for all by taking the survey.

Happy investing!

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Evan Koh



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