1-on-1 with Evan Via Zoom


Two week ago, we experimented with opening up slots for users to arrange a 15-min Zoom meeting with me to ask me anything (or give feedback) about StocksCafe or QuantsCafe.

It was a relatively successful experiment as we learnt a lot from listening to everyone’s feedback and questions as always. Thank you to all who took time out of their busy lives to chat!

Here are 2 quick learnings to share:

  1. We added >20,000 stocks’ financials simply because one user was asking why StocksCafe does not have LVMH financials since it is listed in US market.
    We always thought that because it is an ADR, Morningstar would not have them, but apparently Morningstar does have LVMH financials on their website.

    Morale of story: If you find any stocks in our supported exchanges with financials on Morningstar’s website but not StocksCafe’s, please let us know. It is likely an issue on our side.
  2. Common mistake – A user was confused as to why the P&L looked so “wrong” after entering a transaction. A quick investigation showed that it was due to an erroneous FX rate entered. Hence, we now added an additional check for FX rate under portfolio report warnings.

    If you see any warnings at the bottom of portfolio report page, please take a look at them or simply reach out to us.

Given the success of this pilot run, we have decided to continue this for 2024. So don’t hesitate to book a 15 mins slot with Evan if you want to give feedback, ask questions, or simply just to chat. See ya!

p.s.: One reason is also because Evan is “jobless” and bored with Netflix shows 🙂

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Evan Koh



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