New data provider for US and London + New Twitter Account


New Data Provider for US and London
If you do not own US or London stocks, feel free to skip this part.

One of the limitations of StocksCafe is getting quality data at a reasonable price. While StocksCafe would love to support all exchanges and display all sorts of financial information, obtaining quality data and properly licensing them with a limited budget is extremely challenging. Therefore, we are always searching for data vendors that can improve your StocksCafe experience at a reasonable price.

For instance, in recent days, it is clear that the previous US and London data provider is becoming too problematic. I basically had at least one bug report a day regarding issues with US and London data. After weeks of searching and negotiating, I am glad to announce that I have migrated to a new data provider over the weekend.

At this point, there are still some rough edges to smooth out, so if you own any US or London stocks, please take a look at them and report any issues you discover.

After getting this new data provider up to speed, I will be working on adding support for Cryptocurrencies in StocksCafe as it is currently the most requested feature.

New Twitter Account
Once in a while, there is a need to make announcements and/or quick updates (e.g. the forum server recently went down due to network issue) but we do not have a good avenue to do so. Hence, we created a Twitter account for such announcements. Please follow us on twitter to get the latest announcements and updates 🙂

Happy investing!


Evan Koh



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