New Feature: Adding Miscellaneous Fees


When StocksCafe was first built, it was built with many assumptions based on my personal (albeit limited) understanding of stock trading. It included the assumption that fees are only incurred as part of a buy or sell transaction. Clearly, that is incorrect. There are many instances when non-transaction fees are incurred such as the monthly management fees incurred by robo advisors (e.g. StashAway).

Hence I recently spent time to work on the ability to add fees that are not part of a transaction. There are two types of fees that you can now add:

1) Tagged to stock: You can choose to tag fees to a stock without having it being associated with a buy or sell transaction. Simply select Fees on this page and enter the relevant StockCode. This way, it will increase the average price of the stock and compute the P&L for the stock accordingly.

2) Tagged to portfolio: You can also choose to tag fees to a portfolio. Similarly, select Fees, but leave the StockCode field empty when entering the transaction. This way, it will increase the overall fees associated to the portfolio and compute the P&L accordingly.

As always, any questions, suggestions, bug reports, etc are more than welcome.

Happy investing!


Leave a Reply to shawnlim99 Cancel reply

  • Reading the headlines, I thought you are going to add misc fees to the platform…nearly cough out my coffee LOL

  • Would you add the $2 charge per counter per quarter to cpf portfolio? Technically I think so… Still trying to convince myself

  • Personally, I do not invest with my CPF money because not much inside. But if they are charging those fees, why would you not record them?

  • This is a long-shot but my students would love to be able to compute leverage financing fees into the portfolio. I can appreciate how hard it would be because different brokers may have a different way of computing the rates.

  • Hi Christopher, I am not sure if I understand this request. It is already currently possible to add financing fees into portfolio. You have to do it manually though since the formulae used are different. Or did you mean to hope to have it automatically computed?

    Would something like this closer to what you are talking about? =>

  • Hello Evan, I’m new to this website and already loving the features offered on the platform.

    I use the Fees transaction mainly to add interest cost from my margin account, which is compounded monthly.

    I’d like to give a feedback on this feature: when I need to edit the Fees and hit “update”, it returns the message “Total should be empty for fees transaction”. This can be worked around by selecting Sell or Buy, removing the entry of “Total after fees” then selecting Fees again before updating. However I don’t think it’s the intended way to edit Fees.


Evan Koh



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