5 Things You Can Do To Create A More Vibrant SGXCafe


By now, you have probably noticed that SGXcafe recently started a “Cafe”. It is a place where people can ask questions or discuss anything related to investment. It also includes blog posts aggregated from blogs mainly from Singapore that are sharing financial/investment knowledge and information. Special thanks goes to Derek from TheFinance.sg for helping me to get permission from each blogger to feature their posts in SGXcafe, and also to all bloggers who have given their permission to SGXcafe.

The Cafe is bringing an exciting period of growth and change to SGXcafe and YOU can play a part too! Here are some ways where you can help SGXcafe to have a vibrant Cafe:

1) If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss that is investment/finance-related, please feel free to post them. Also, if you are talking about particular listed companies, do tag them accordingly (using their symbol) so that others can easily find them when they visit the individual company pages (e.g. DBS).

2) If you own a blog that is financial/investment-centric, SGXcafe would like to feature you too! Please send me a private message. SGXcafe will only show the first 140 words of each post and have a clear link at the end to your original post. See an example here.

3) If you see a question or discussion which you know the answer to, or have something to contribute, your active participation is greatly appreciated! 🙂

4) If there is a user you want to know whenever that person posts a discussion or blog post, follow them. SGXcafe will consolidate all the posts of everyone you are following in one convenient place for you. Also, “Star” a blog post or discussion that you find interesting so that you can easily find them again later.

5) Finally, if there is any feature you believe would help make the Cafe even better, feel free to feedback to me. I’m always listening.

Happy Cafe-ing!

p.s.: For all bloggers featured in SGXcafe, I have set it such that you would receive an email whenever someone comments on your blog post. However, you can easily change that setting here.


Evan Koh



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StocksCafe Academy

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StocksCafe Youtube Channel