Brokerage Collaboration FAQ & LongBridge API


When StocksCafe first started, the intention was for it to be free. But as we know, nothing is free in life, someone (or some business) has to pay for it one way or another.

In our quest to let users use StocksCafe for free (while still paying the bills), StocksCafe has collaborations with several brokerages where we believe is a win-win-win situation. StocksCafe get referral fees from brokerage to pay the bills, brokerages get investors to try out their platform and users get free subscriptions to StocksCafe. This is why we have established collaborations with brokerages over the years.

Brokerage Collaboration FAQs

The following are a list of questions we are often asked by users about these collaboration.

Q: What if my StocksCafe subscription still has several months (or even years left)?
A: We will always award the free subscription by extending from the end of current subscription. e.g. If your current subscription ends on 31 Dec 2028 and you signed up with LongBridge via StocksCafe’s referral, you will get two years extension and your subscription will then end on 31 Dec 2030.

Q: Can I get my friends or family to sign up using StocksCafe’s referral?
A: Yes, you can. As long as they sign up using StocksCafe’s referral link and are willing to give you the StocksCafe benefits (i.e. the free subscription), it is perfectly fine with us (in fact, encouraged).

Q: How long do I have to use the brokerage?
A: Typically, to qualify for StocksCafe free subscription, all you need to do is fund your account and keep the funds for a certain period. e.g. With LongBridge’s current promotion, all you need to do is fund the account with at least SGD 2,000 and keep it there for 30 days to get 2 years free StocksCafe Global Friend subscription.

Of course, it would be ideal for both StocksCafe and the brokerage if you would try the platform a bit and use them for the long-term if you like them (i.e. their fees and/or interface, etc).

Q: What does keeping the funds there for 30 days mean? Can I use it to trade? What if the stock I buy drops in value to below SGD 2,000 in the first 30 days?
A: Yes, you can use it to trade and you will still qualify (for free subscription) even if the account balance falls below SGD 2,000 in the first 30 days due to trading/investing activities, as long as the account balance falling below SGD 2,000 is not due to withdrawal activities.

LongBridge API

One cool feature of LongBridge is that they have API access for their users. With just a few lines of very simple python code, you can do many cool things.

The following code will allow you retrieve your order history:

config = Config.from_env()
context = TradeContext(config)
results = context.history_orders(status = [OrderStatus.Filled])

With this, it is possible to make it such that there is no need to enter transactions into StocksCafe manually anymore!

There are many other things you can do with similar few lines of code such as getting the real-time bid-ask of stocks. LongBridge API documentation is one of the cleanest and easy to follow that we have seen. If this is something that interests you, we highly recommend checking it out!

If there is enough interest from users, we can definitely consider holding some form of seminar to help you kickstart your coding journey. With coding being a mandatory class in Singapore Primary schools, is there any excuse for us adults not to learn some basic coding?

1 Comment

  • That’s interesting! If long bridge can set up API to auto update the transactions, I wouldn’t mind using long bridge as my main broker

Evan Koh



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