Free Stock Valuation Tool
As you might have known, we have been working on QuantsCafe, our new platform designed to support data-driven investment decisions and today, we are happy to share that it now has a Stock Valuation tool (e.g. GOOGL), which allows you to evaluate a stock from multiple perspectives.
For growth stocks, you can assess whether a company is growing fast enough for its valuation by using metrics like the PE Growth Ratio or PS Growth Ratio.
For more established companies, you can compare their current valuation with historical values to determine if they’re over- or undervalued.

Lastly, it also includes the popular Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation method to help you estimate a stock’s “fair” price. It uses a flexible 3-stage DCF model with editable inputs, pre-filled with data from Morningstar. Additionally, we provide visualizations of key metrics to guide you in choosing the best values for the DCF calculator.

As always, we welcome your feedback on how we can continue improving this tool to better meet your needs.
6.8% with Moomoo Cash Plus
On a separate note, you can now earn up to 6.8% for 30 days with Moomoo Cash Plus, and the best part is that existing users are eligible too! If you’re not yet a Moomoo user, signing up through StocksCafe will also give you a free 2-year StocksCafe subscription. Learn more here.

Could I pls suggest a side by side table of comparison of selected counters/shares -say- up to 4 ot 5 counters so can compare metrics? OCBC vs DBS vs UOB , Alphabet vs Amazon vs MSFT, etc
I see. You mean to compare for this valuation tool or just selected metrics?
selected metrics within the valuation tool. Eg Compare DY, PEG, Price/NAV, Payout Ratio for a selected set of counters
Hi Even, when i try any other share than Google it tells me I am not subscribed, but I am logged in and re-logged in as well.
“please subscribe to access this page. free users limited to top 10 most popular”
I tried with JNJ and S68 and others.
Hi Paul,
For Valuation tab, it is open for all.
Hi Evan,
This is exciting! However, I’m been blocked from using the valuation tool other then top 10 popular stocks, and would need a additional subscription on top of existing Stocks Cafe subscription. Can I confirm that?
Hi Kenny, that is only for ScoreCard tab. For Valuation tab, I opened it up to all.