First StocksCafe’s Zoom Meetup


TLDR; Sign up now to join StocksCafe’s first-ever Zoom event on 1 July 2023, 10am to 11am! As Zoom Pro only allows for 100 participants, we will be limiting it to only Friends of StocksCafe for now.

A big THANK YOU to all who took time to participate in the recent user interviews. It was really great to be able to chat with everyone and learn about your investment journey and how StocksCafe has been a part of it. It validated some of our understanding of users and we also gathered numerous great ideas.

All these will have a significant influence in the upcoming direction of StocksCafe and new products that we will be releasing.

For a start, we would like to address a point that has been repeatedly mentioned by quite a few users.

“I believe I am not using StocksCafe to its fullest.”
“There are so many features in StocksCafe that I am not using.”
“I am only using the portfolio and dividend tracking.”

It seems like many users use just the basic portfolio and dividend tracking features of StocksCafe. While that is a very important part of StocksCafe, we do offer a lot more features and also the ability to customize StocksCafe in different ways to support your investment journey.

Therefore, we decided to have our first ever StocksCafe Zoom Meeting on 1 July 2023, 10-11am with the following agenda (subject to change).

  • Short introduction to StocksCafe
  • 10 tips to help you make the most out of StocksCafe
  • Q&A

Due to Zoom Pro limits, we can only have 100 participants, hence we will limit this first meeting to only Friends of StocksCafe.

Do sign up fast and ensure that you have time to join us. If you cannot make it, please unregister so that others will have a chance.

Looking forward to meeting you!


  • Please tape/ record the session and post it so that those unable to make it for the zoom session can see it later.


  • Sad to have to be missing out this time 🙁 Hope to catch the next one and will definitely watch out for the YouTube uploads!

Evan Koh



Knowledge Base:
StocksCafe Academy

YouTube Tutorials:
StocksCafe Youtube Channel