Your Position Has Been Impacted


TLDR; Do not worry, your stock position(s) in StocksCafe did not get impacted. This is more of a personal update.

As many of you might know, I have always held a full time job while I built StocksCafe on the side. However, that has changed due to a dreadful email titled “Your Position Has Been Impacted” that I received just a few days ago. Unfortunately, I am one of the many that got affected in the recent craze of tech layoffs.

It is very sad and disappointing to suddenly receive an email telling you that your job is terminated as of today, especially by a company that you loved, trusted and spent more than 8 years of your life in 🙁

I am once again reminded how important it is for one to have diversified investments since any of these can fail so suddenly, be it Crypto, US tech stocks, or a job.

What’s next?

I guess life goes on and I will try to take this positively and an opportunity to spend more time on things I am passionate about.

Therefore, instead of scrambling to find another job immediately, I will likely take a bit of time off then spend the next one year or so to focus on projects that I am very passionate (StocksCafe amongst them) and see where that will take me.

Why am I telling you this?

As I will have more time to focus on StocksCafe going forward, I would love to explore different ways to expand and improve StocksCafe.

I believe the best ideas come from people who use the product. I am planning to conduct small group discussions via Zoom with StocksCafe users to brainstorm and bounce off ideas. Please fill in this form if you are keen on participating. There are no requirements nor do you need to be full of ideas, all you need to have is a willing heart to help StocksCafe 🙂

I hope you will join me in shaping a bright future for StocksCafe!

May the force be with us!


Evan Koh



Knowledge Base:
StocksCafe Academy

YouTube Tutorials:
StocksCafe Youtube Channel