Quick Updates: Screener for US market is back + new valuation charts


US Screener is back
Recently, StocksCafe switched data providers for the US market. Due to the change, the ability to screen for US stocks was temporarily taken offline and several users have reached out to me about it. Today, I am happy to share that the ability to screen for US stocks is back! Please check it out and let me know if there are any issues.

In addition, we were also able to secure fundamental data for LSE with the new provider. If you are interested in LSE fundamental data, please indicate your interest in the comments. If there is sufficient interest, it will be queued up and hopefully StocksCafe will have fundamental data and screening ability for LSE stocks soon too!

New Valuation Charts
With the recent uptrend in the US market, everything might “feel” expensive. But how expensive are they really when compared to their historical valuations? To answer this question easily, I created a new tab, “Charts” on the Stock page showing historical values for various standard graphs used for valuations such as Price-to-Revenue, Price-to-Earnings etc (e.g. Apple Inc).

As always, feedback is welcome.

Happy investing!

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Evan Koh



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