Quick Announcement: You can now change your portfolio name!


Among the numerous minor improvements in StocksCafe, I think the following will be one of interest to many.

Every user using StocksCafe would have a portfolio named “Default”. To some, this has been unwanted and they would like to have it renamed or deleted. The main reason why I have not allowed this so far is simply because StocksCafe was built upon the assumption that a user would always have at least one portfolio (named “Default”).

I finally took time out in the last two days to change this. You can now delete or edit the name of any of your portfolios easily via this link!

However, one of the consequences of this will be whenever you delete a portfolio, all transactions within that portfolio will be deleted forever and NOT recoverable (previously, they were moved to the “Default” portfolio). Therefore, please exercise extra caution before you delete portfolios.

Note that you cannot delete all of your portfolios though, because going back to the initial (and logical) assumption, each user should have at least one portfolio in their account.

Happy investing!


  • is that possible that we can have multiple sub portfolio under one main portfolio ? for example one main portfolio and under my name ,on under my wife. the mutiple sub portfolio from diff markets under my main portfolio

  • Hey, that’s awesome! When I simulated some of the data previously, I had to delete transaction by transaction then delete the portfolio. This would be so much better! Thanks man.

  • Hey Evan, thanks so much for all your work thus far.

    I want to add to wnx’s thread. He mentioned having multiple sub portfolios. I’m currently looking for something that would allow me to split the numbers automatically in the event that I’m managing investments for multiple people but consolidating the transactions using the same pool of money. I understand that this is likely to go beyond the scope of this tool.

    Also, have you guys considered making an android widget for portfolio tracking (the ones of the playstore aren’t as fully featured as this site).

    Lastly, is there a better place where I can send in my suggestions? 🙂

  • “I want to add to wnx’s thread. He mentioned having multiple sub portfolios. I’m currently looking for something that would allow me to split the numbers automatically in the event that I’m managing investments for multiple people but consolidating the transactions using the same pool of money. I understand that this is likely to go beyond the scope of this tool. ” => I think this can actually be handled by multiple portfolios which is supported now. See here => https://stocks.cafe/select/portfolio/toadd

    “Also, have you guys considered making an android widget for portfolio tracking (the ones of the playstore aren’t as fully featured as this site). ” => Not likely. It is too much work to write pure native apps for desktop, iOS and Android.

    “Lastly, is there a better place where I can send in my suggestions?” => here is fine or directly message me is also possible.

    Lastly, thanks for using StocksCafe!

  • For now, you can by exporting off one portfolio then importing to another portfolio.

    I will add this feature request to the list.

  • Thanks Evan for your suggestions. I have created multiple portfolios for my requirements. I was wondering whether you can multiple select aggregation for Portfolios. For example, right now portfolios are single-select to display the summary. I was wondering whether this could be changed to a dropdown checkbox to aggregate the summaries. Not sure whether I’m conveying this well enough.

  • Yes, I understand what you want. It is not possible now but it is certainly technically possible. I will create a feature request for this. Although I cannot guarantee when it will be ready because there are lots of feature requests in the queue 🙂

  • Hey don’t worry about it, it’s more of a quality of life thing rather than a need at the moment. In the meantime, I’m very satisfied with the current featureset of this tool. Keep up the great work!

Evan Koh



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