Building Your Reit-irement Portfolio


Many users in StocksCafe are heavy dividend investors, including myself. It is a great feeling to receive dividends regularly. In Singapore, REITs are extremely popular for dividends because of our love for owning properties and how they have generally proven to be paying stable and regular dividends. I always like to tell my friends that I own a brick in the shopping mall where we are hanging out 🙂

Recently, a friend of mine, Jun Yuan, published a book, titled ‘Building Your REIT-irement Portfolio’ to share the basics of REITs and how he sifts out the good REITs from the bad, and what is a good price he would enter.

For just SGD15, I think it is reasonably priced. In addition, if you purchase it, you will also be added to a private group in the StocksCafe forum where you can directly ask the author, Jun Yuan, any questions you have about the book.

Here is a preview of the book for you to check out the chapters.

Learn more about the book on this page.

Who is Jun Yuan?

Jun Yuan is a full-time investor, as well as a popular financial blogger who is regularly invited to events as a speaker or panelist to share his views and thoughts on REITs (e.g. REITs Symposium and Invest Fair). In addition, he was also voted to be the most popular member in InvestingNote in 2021.

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Evan Koh



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