Auto-Sweep & Other Updates


It has been quiet on the blog for the past month or so, but a lot (of mostly boring development) has been happening back-end. Here are some updates that are more likely to interest you:


This is used in conjunction with the Cash Balance feature.

Quick Recap: Cash Balance allows you to easily track the amount of cash you currently have by tracking cash movements due to buy/sell transactions and dividend payments. This is especially useful to consolidate the total cash you have across different brokerages and bank accounts, etc.

However, for some users (including myself), we actually have a brokerage account that would “auto-sweep” dividends into our spending account that is not tracked in StocksCafe (since it is a spending account and not an investment account).

One example is CDP account. People with a CDP account would know that you cannot keep cash there and any dividends received from stocks held in CDP would “auto-sweep” into a bank account of your choice.

Previously, to keep the Cash Balance accurate for such accounts, I had to regularly manually enter withdrawal cash transactions to account for dividends paid.

Now, you simply have to check the “Auto-Sweep” checkbox on this page for that specific portfolio, and StocksCafe will automatically create a withdrawal cash transaction whenever you receive a dividend in that account.

Other Exciting Updates

Since we are on the topic of more automation, I have a very exciting update to share. One of the most tedious and manual things you have to do in StocksCafe is having to enter your trades manually. This is simply because as far as I know, there are no brokerages in Singapore that officially supports API connections with them.

However, this is about to change because we are now working closely with one of the brokerages in Singapore to establish a secure API connection to pull your transactions for you, so that you no longer have to spend time and effort to manually enter your trades. And yes, it is one of the cheapest brokerage with a modern interface.

We are in the final phase of testing and expect to release it within the next 1-2 weeks.

Stay tuned!

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Evan Koh



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