Price Simulation


Happy Lunar New Year!

I apologize for not having any updates of late. While I continued to maintain StocksCafe and work on bugs, I took a short break from developing new features during the CNY period.

In any case, I am back and the first new small feature is the ability to perform simple price simulations.

Previously, whenever I wanted to find out things like what my P&L (or current yield) of a stock if I sell (or buy) would be at a certain price, I would have to either do mental calculation or whip out the calculator on my phone.

Now, you can simply use the new “Price Simulation” feature that is located on the right hand side of all stock pages (e.g. DBS) to quickly gain insight to current yield (and other stats if you own the stock) at any price. Hopefully, this feature make it easier for you to determine your buy/sell price.

Happy investing!


Evan Koh



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