Our portfolios are very personal and sensitive information. While many users have generously shared them publicly, many more are not comfortable with opening up their portfolio and share with just anyone who visits stocks.cafe. This is totally understandable. Even I only share my portfolio partially (portfolio is displayed without exact values).
Hence, I have recently added a followers/following mechanism so that people can now selectively share their portfolio with people they want to. And of course, you can choose who to follow as well as who can follow you.
1) To follow others, simply go to their profile page (e.g. my profile page) and click on the “Request to Follow” on the top right corner.
2) To see who is following you, who you are following, and pending follow requests, simply go to “Your Followers” page
3) Finally, you can adjust your portfolio sharing settings and set viewing permissions for your followers at a level comfortable to you.
Start sharing your portfolio selectively now!
This is the first step of sharing information with selected people. More features will soon be added to allow you to only share information with your followers.
Happy investing!
Note: You can now also choose to share only selected portfolio.
p/s: See other related article.