For each listed stock in SGX, there is a profile page (e.g. DBS) that displays the valuation and financial metrics of that stock. Personally, I use it often to learn the historical and current fundamental values of the stock. However, there are limitations to it.
1) Due to space constraint, I can only display partial information. For example, for Valuation metrics, I only show 52 weeks high, low, median, and current values instead of the daily values.
2) I cannot easily see the relationship/correlation between two or more metrics by looking at just the numbers alone.
To resolve the above limitations, the ability to graph these metrics is added. This allows me to display more information in a limited space, and also allows us to identify the relationship/correlation between two or more metrics more easily.
I currently display two types of graphs and each of them serve different purposes.
1) Actual Value graph displays the actual value of the metrics so that you can look at the historical values of the metric(s) you selected.
2) Standardized Value graph displays standardized values of selected metrics. This allows us to compare two metrics of significantly different scales. For example, Market Capitalization is easily in the millions, whereas Earnings Per Share is typically less than 10. It would be difficult to compare them on the same graph otherwise.
Lastly, to reduce computation resources as well as encourage more people to become a Friend of SGXcafe, basic users will only see limited information. That is, for Valuation metrics, daily values of up to one year will be displayed, whereas Friends of SGXcafe will see up to five years. As for Financial metrics, basic users will only see yearly values whereas Friends of SGXcafe will see both yearly and quarterly values.
Happy investing!
A step in the right direction.