TLDR; StocksCafe and Webull have a special collaboration from now till 28 Feb 2023 where you just need to fund your Webull account with at least SGD 1 and you are guaranteed to get at least USD 50 worth of stocks (up to USD 500). In addition, you will also get two years Global Friend of StocksCafe subscription worth SGD 90. Sign up now via StocksCafe referral link to participate in this great deal!

A big thank you for all that have already sign up with Webull via StocksCafe!
As we have shared, there will be a special bonus of 1 additional year (i.e. total of 3 years) of StocksCafe subscription if we manage to reach 60 referrals this month. As of now, we have already passed the half-way mark (i.e. 36). Let’s all share this great FX rate (i.e. SGD 1 to USD 50) with one other friend or family and we will certainly cross the 60 mark so that you will get a total 3 years of StocksCafe subscription per signup!
For those who participated in this month collaboration, I am curious how much you have received from your spins. Let’s share it in this forum thread. For me, I have spin-ed 5 times so far but only got the minimum USD 10 for each spin. Of course, for the “investment” of SGD 1, it is an awesome ROI but I am curious if any got the upper bound of USD 100 for their spin 🙂
Learn more about this deal here. Thanks!