Download SGXcafe iOS App Now!


Yes, SGXcafe finally has an app!

According to Google Analytics, about 40% of visitors use mobile devices to access SGXcafe. Naturally, there have been numerous requests for SGXcafe to have a mobile app. Personally, I also wanted a mobile app for SGXcafe to better serve users, but I know nothing about iOS and Andriod development hence I have been procrastinating it.

However, “iOS Universal App” is one of the top-voted feature in the SGXcafe Friends‘ feature requests, hence I decided to invest time into learning how to develop iOS apps through online tutorials and documentation.

Today, I am very excited to share that SGXcafe iOS app is now available in the app store! Please download it and let me know what you think. It is my first mobile app though, so please be gentle 🙂

Let me also talk about a few features of the app as some might not be obvious:

1) Swipe right to go back and swipe left to go forward. Think of it as a book where you would flip right to go back a page and flip left to go forward a page.

2) Pull all the way to refresh. I see this ability in many apps that I use hence I decided to add it.

3) External websites (e.g. news) will be loaded in a new View where you can simply swipe right to go back to SGXcafe. One main annoyance I have when using SGXcafe on my phone is that whenever I click on a news, a new tab on the browser is open. Hopefully, this will make reading news on SGXcafe a better experience.

Happy investing!


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Evan Koh



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