Manage and Share Your Portfolio Effortlessly


Are you keeping track of your portfolio by Excel or some other tedious method? There is a way to do it painlessly, and it even allows you to share it on your own site with just a single line of html code! The best part? It’s all available for free!

There are many awesome financial bloggers in Singapore who share their portfolios on their blog. To me, it is to demonstrate that having a good passive income is not rocket science and it is possible for anyone. However, many of these portfolios are often a static web page that is awkwardly ported over from their personal excel sheet to html.

I might not have many years of experience investing in Singapore stock market, but what I do have is decent experience and knowledge in web technologies and this is where I thought I could contribute to the community. Hence I have added a feature to StocksCafe whereby you can easily display your SGX portfolio on your own website with just a a few clicks.

A popular financial blogger in Singapore has already adopted this and is sharing his StocksCafe portfolio on his website. In his recent blog post, he also shared how much he enjoys using StocksCafe. Thank you!

Even if you do not have your own website or blog, you can also easily share your portfolio in StocksCafe. I have just created a page that lists every portfolio shared publicly. All you have to do is decide how much of your portfolio you want to reveal on this page.

In summary, there are just three easy steps to sharing your portfolio:

Step 1: Sign up for StocksCafe.
Step 2: Create your portfolio by entering your past transactions.
Step 3: Go here to decide how much you would like to share.
(Optional) Step 4: Add a line of html code to your own website or blog to embed your own StocksCafe portfolio.

Let’s share and walk together in this journey towards financial independence!

p.s.: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any assistance anytime.


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Evan Koh



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